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kecuali kalau bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kecuali kalau"
  • kecuali:    barring; except; except for; unless; apart from;
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only if; when; in case; maybe; could be; and then; perhaps; as for; possibly
  • kecuali:    barring; except; except for; unless; apart from; bar; but; excepting; other than; save; exclude; omit; take out; leave out; in any case; also; besides; demur; exception; likewise; too; leave off; on
  • kalau kalau:    can be; perhaps; maybe; possibly
  • kalau-kalau:    for fear that; lest; possible; potential
  • bagaimana kalau:    how about; suppose; what if?
  • kalau begitu:    in that case; then; at this/that rate; in that event; and so; so
  • kalau bukanya:    if not
  • kalau diminta:    on request
  • kalau diperlukan:    if need be
  • kalau kosong:    if empty
  • kalau perlu:    if necessary; in case of necessity; if need be; necessary
  • kalau saja:    if only
  • kalau terjadi:    in case of
  • We're all stuck here unless you move
    Kita semua terjebak di sini kecuali kalau kau bergerak
  • Except I'm the one he's going to be arresting.
    Kecuali kalau akulah orang yang akan dia tangkap.
  • Unless you can split your spirit from your body.
    Kecuali kalau kamu bisa membagi roh dari tubuhmu.
  • Unless, like me they long to be close to you.
    Kecuali kalau, sepertinya aku menjadi dekat denganmu.
  • And a... don't blow your cover unless absolutely necessary.
    dan jangan merusak penyamaranmu kecuali kalau benar2 diperlukan.
  • Unless that's not covered by your protection.
    Kecuali kalau itu juga tidak tercakup dalam perlindunganmu.
  • Unless he wants to be a lab rat.
    Kecuali kalau dia mau jadi tikus percobaan.
  • Unless you wanna check out the menu, or?
    Kecuali kalau kamu mau melihat menu, atau...?
  • Snakes hate fire. Unless that was about spiders.
    Ular benci api kecuali... ..kalau ini laba-laba.
  • So unless you're worried she's gonna harbor you illegally,
    Jadi, tak usah cemas, kecuali kalau kau takut..
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5